
Showing posts from October, 2019

lines in conflict zones

The representative of the International Development Law Organisation noted how both, the use of ICT, and the law, were integral to the whole of the sustainable development agenda and provided important tools to enhance trust in public institutions, as well as to follow up on the implementation of Agenda 2030. Martin Luther KingRecalling the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., who was assassinated 50 years ago today, United Nations Secretary General Ant Guterres urged the world to build on the []. vibrators It frustrating because I need concrete things like to get a creepy bastard fired from the gym where he works with both children and adult women. I needed a job, I needed legal advice. And I didn need to sit around and unproductively sob about shit. You know, some people feel best being prepared for possible sex even when someone they are with says they do not want to have sex at that time. And that's actually pretty smart (save that pockets aren't the best place